Monday, August 29, 2011

Something Bad is Happening

So, we survived Hurricane Irene. When it finally made its way up to New York City it degraded to just a tropical storm. All day Saturday, my roommates and I were running around our neighborhood grabbing last minute supplies, plus transitioning my new roommates from their old domicile to here. It was a little worrisome, to say the least, because all week we were cautioned to stay indoors during the weekend. We bought soup, candles, batteries, and all essential supplies for a hurricane. And when push finally came to shove, when the disaster that made the world's largest transit system shut down finally came to our home, it... well, it didn't do much. Sure, there was a lot of wind and rain, and a tree fell down across the street from us, but it didn't actually feel any different from any other rainy day. In all honesty, it felt a little like a blustery day in the bay area. It felt like home.

We prepared, sure. We stayed safe, just like everyone advised us to do. Funny enough, my roommates and I went to the grocery store at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday so as to stock up on food and beer (okay, mainly beer). But, when we got there, there was a line already out the door! It was kind of crazy.

Oddly enough, I'm a little sad that nothing happened. At least to us nothing happened, anyway. It would've been kinda cool if the power went out, at least for just a moment, maybe. Candles burning, storm a-brewing - it would've been fun, if not potentially dangerous. 'Cause I stocked up on candles and soup and whatnot; I can eat the soup, sure, but what am I supposed to do with 15 lilac-scented candles? What am I supposed to do?

Some people are mad that Bloomberg shut down the transit system. A lot of people, including tourists (mostly tourists), aren't entirely happy that Broadway closed its doors this weekend. But those same people would've been mad if Mayor Bloomberg did nothing and the hurricane did ravage our city. They would've complained that he sat on his ass. So, yeah, it may have been extreme measures, but I'm glad the city did something. I'm glad they cared enough about their people to play it safe. Just, sometimes you can't win either way. Sometimes people just like to complain.

Next Week: Liz relaxes, and Jason wears glasses.

Stay safe!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Move On

Who is this mystery girl? Will Jimmy ever see her again? Why does he think "Love Shack" is an effective way to pick up the ladies? All of these questions will be answered. Someday. But not next week. We got other characters to explore and run over.

In other news, I took an improv masterclass yesterday; it focused on scenes of three or more. It. Was. Amazing! I kind of hate my friend who told me to take it (and bought me the ticket; thanks) because now I want to jump back into improv so much! The class was three hours, but it wasn't long enough! I need more. So... look out for that in the near future, I guess.

Next Week: Liz and Jason, or Candle-Boo and Morning Moo. Decisions, decisions.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Dress to Kill

So... I think I'm perhaps maybe done with this arc. I think I'm gonna do one more next week and then move on to something else. It's time. I know, I know, how are you ever going to live without your weekly dose of a sniveling Jimmy. We'll all just have to manage, I guess.

But, don't worry. Other things are in the works.

I got to see some of my relatives on Sunday. It was so wonderful to meet up with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins and show them around my new neck of the woods that is New York. Family is very important to me, so to be able to spend the day with them was quite a prize, if you will. Today, I certainly hit the jackpot.

(Sometimes, I feel I should write greeting cards instead of comics.)

Next Week: Jimmy moves on. Seriously. Maybe.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Young and Healthy

It's my birthday today. I'm 26. Yay...

Glad to see Michael the Bunny, again. Though, it was a bit difficult to draw him. Apparently he's put on a few pounds since last we saw him.

Next Week: Jimmy dresses to impress.


Monday, August 1, 2011

They Can't Take That Away From Me

I've been listening to a lot of stand up lately. I've always enjoyed this performance medium, but it's also the only one that scares me to death. Probably because you can't escape into a character or another performer; it's just you, alone. And because it scares me to death, I know that I have to do it. So, I've made a mid-new year's resolution that by the end of 2011 I'm going to do at least 5 minutes of stand up somewhere in New York City. Expect jokes about dance, my "success" with women, and my mother. 'Cause those are hilarious and not interconnected in anyway whatsoever.

Next Week: Jimmy turns 26 and enjoys a quarter-life crisis.
