Monday, February 21, 2011

Love is Always Lovely in the End


Auditions and comics. Comics and auditions. And friendship. This is my life.

I want to start a tumblr. No particular reason; just to put up interesting things I find. Need a URL name. Any ideas? Suggestions?
Next Week: More love!


Monday, February 14, 2011

People Will Say We're in Love

Happy Valentine's Day.

Some may see this holiday as a way to 'single' out those who don't have a significant other right now, but I see it as a way to show everyone you care for, in whatever capacity, that you love them. Or at least that's what I tell myself as I'm chugging down Chunky Monkey. It's the little things.

Let me start it off, if I may. I love you for taking time out today, tomorrow, or years from when it first posted and reading it now. It means the world to me. Thank you.

Next Week: More Love. Less animal vomit.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Pass the Football


Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers! Fun Fact: Aaron Rodgers, the Packers' quarterback? He's from Chico. I'm gonna brag like I knew him personally.

You may not have caught the game, but I'm pretty sure you've seen the commercials. My favorite, perhaps for all time, is the Volkswagen commercial with the Darth Vader kid. I want to be him when I grow up! What was your favorite commercial? Leave a comment below.

Next Week: The "Love?" Arc begins.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Don't Be the Bunny

Introducing Michael, our little bunny animal friend! Every good strip needs a pet, and [harbor] is no exception. Expect much more from our newest addition to the family.

Welcome to [harbor], Michael.


P.S. Expect a whole new Superbowl comic tomorrow!

P.P.S. Thoughts on Michael? You know where to go. If you don't: facebook, twitter, email, and comments below.