Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It Sucks to Be Me

Two years ago today, or two years ago tomorrow, or maybe even yesterday -- I'm not good at keeping track of things. But still, two years ago -- I moved to New York.

When talking about moving, everyone says it's been a "crazy ride", and that's because, for the most part, it's true. If you want a crazy, bonkers, biggest-leap-of-your-life, continuous-mix-of-elation-and-fear, beautifully-insane journey: New York's your place. If you want security, try Idaho.

(Note: I've never been to Idaho.)

Things are still a struggle, and I'm pretty sure they'll be for awhile, but that's okay. Because I can't believe the sights I've seen. I can't believe the people I've met. I can't believe the experiences I've had. And sometimes, on rare, rare occasions, I wonder if I made the right choice to move here. But then I see a show, or walk through the park, or take a class, and I'm reminded all over again why, as someone very wise once told me (i.e. my father), I'm exactly where I need to be.

So, here's to two more years of struggling. Heck, here's to twenty, if that's how long it takes. Here's to more years of exuberance and tears and laughter and worth. Because I'm here for the journey. And I'm here for good.

Not Sucking To Be Me,


  1. No fanfare for the 100th Harbor comic? Or have I miscounted...?

    1. You know what. I probably miscounted. This is probably the 100th. But let's pretend this is the 101st.

  2. I don't think Idaho offers much security, sir.

    And your twenties are supposed to suck. How else are we supposed to become charmingly cynical and jaded 30-year-olds?

  3. It's official! Idaho isn't secure either!

  4. I feel the exact same way about my move to LA, and I have only been down here for four months to the date! But its really about the journey and what you learn along the way.

  5. I've been to Idaho, it's great if you like to fish.
    Your mom almost divorced me when I told her I wanted to move to Idaho. Since I like being married to her I didn't move.

    Love, Dad
