I don't know about you, but I had a blast making this one. That's due in large part to the new Photoshop. I know I'm WAY behind the times, but I've just started using it and I can't get enough of this software. I've been using a third-party, sort-of shareware system that wasn't bad (in fact, it was quite good) but didn't give me the freedom nor the technology to really attack the strip the way I want. But now I'm with Photoshop, and I'll never look back. If you notice the difference, I hope you it's something you like. If you don't, that's cool. Either way, I'm glad you're here.
I wanted to do this eerie, 2-part, zombie thing this year (take it a little less from the Lil' Abner, campy stuff and bring it into some darker material) but I didn't have the time nor resources. So maybe look for that next year... if you dare...
Who likes the costumes!? They'll be many more next week. My favorite costume this week is hands-down Natalie as Dr. Horrible. Fun to draw and what a cool costume idea, in general. It suits her. Maybe I have an early, digital sketch of her, so I could get the look just right. Maybe I'll post it tomorrow on the facebook page. Maybe you'll have to wait and see.
Next Week: More Costumes!
[natalie] as Dr. Horrible is amazing, but, of course, my favorite thing is that [dl] is the devil for Halloween every year. Why mess with a good thing?