Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas Lullaby
Merry Christmas!
So, it's a day late, but the sentiment's still there. I hope you all spent it amidst fun and family. And to all of you who're are still celebrating, here's to you.
This comic was made entirely on the iPad. Another [harbor] first! For my money, I don't think it turned out half-bad. It was a lot of fun to draw on it, too. You may see some more comics made just like this, but that's a story for later...
What do you think? Leave a comment below or on the Facebook fan page. I'd love to hear what you have to say.
Next Week: Time to celebrate the New Year!
Thanks for a great 2011! See you next year.
Until Then,
Monday, December 19, 2011
Run, Freedom, Run!

One more week until the big Christmas day, and one more day until Hannukah.... are you ready?
Next Week: Don Lily spreads Christmas cheer, whether you like it or not.
Cheshire cat,
Christmas 2011,
don lily,
Monday, December 12, 2011
You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile

Today's my roommate's birthday. He's the big 3-0. So, here's to one of the coolest guys I know. Happy Birthday, Joey. You're kinda awesome, don't worry about it.
Next Week: Don Lily continues "recruiting" for Christmas.
Monday, December 5, 2011
This Time of the Year
Monday, November 28, 2011
What is Urinetown?
My apologies, folks, but [harbor] has to take a brief respite this week so that I may choreograph Urinetown in upstate New York. A new comic shall be up next week, just in time to completely miss out on all the Cyber Monday deals.
See you next week!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Too Much Too Soon

Going back home next week for Thanksgiving. Very glad to be back with both of my families. I miss them terribly.
Next Week: Thanksgiving Feast!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Just in Time

Whump! In honor of our little snow storm last week, I made this. Hopefully it'll stay Autumn for a long, long time. It really is my favorite season.
This week's comic was drawn completely digitally! From sketch to finish product, it was all done on my little computer. A first in [harbor] history! And, after all the technological breakthroughs, after all the cool gizmos and gadgets that drawing this way comes with, after breaking through to a new level of cartooning, after all that I think I'll go back to my pencil and paper. It just feels better.
What do you think? Notice a difference? Drop a line in the comment section, or head on over to the facebook page and tell me what you think.
Next Week: Did Christmas come too early this year?
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Haunting
Monday, October 24, 2011
Make Your Own Party

I don't know about you, but I had a blast making this one. That's due in large part to the new Photoshop. I know I'm WAY behind the times, but I've just started using it and I can't get enough of this software. I've been using a third-party, sort-of shareware system that wasn't bad (in fact, it was quite good) but didn't give me the freedom nor the technology to really attack the strip the way I want. But now I'm with Photoshop, and I'll never look back. If you notice the difference, I hope you it's something you like. If you don't, that's cool. Either way, I'm glad you're here.
I wanted to do this eerie, 2-part, zombie thing this year (take it a little less from the Lil' Abner, campy stuff and bring it into some darker material) but I didn't have the time nor resources. So maybe look for that next year... if you dare...
Who likes the costumes!? They'll be many more next week. My favorite costume this week is hands-down Natalie as Dr. Horrible. Fun to draw and what a cool costume idea, in general. It suits her. Maybe I have an early, digital sketch of her, so I could get the look just right. Maybe I'll post it tomorrow on the facebook page. Maybe you'll have to wait and see.
Next Week: More Costumes!
candy canes,
don lily,
Dr. Horrible,
Halloween 2011,
Monday, October 17, 2011
Parents and Children

I had a blast yesterday at the New York Comic Con. I could only attend yesterday's extravaganza - and I know I missed a lot - but it was so amazing to fill my day with comics, artists, and community. Or, as a friend put it, it was a geekfest. And how geeky and festive it was.
I met a lot of cool, independent comic artists. Some of my favs were:
- Comix Tribe: Home of some awesome independent comics, including "Epic," "Scam," and "The Standard."
- A.G.E. Studios: As they put it, "the world's most phenomenal creative team." I wouldn't dispute that in the least.
- Frombie: A comic about friendly zombies! Fun art and cool toys.
More updates about the con will come soon on my other blog: Stairway to Broadway. Including pictures! Yay!
Next Week: More fun. More family. More [harbor].
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Fantastic Friendship that is Candle-Boo and Morning Moo! in "Rhymes with Friendship"

Friendship! It's the perfect blendship!
Hope you all like Candle-Boo and Morning Moo. 'Cause they aren't going anywhere.
Had to put this up as early as possible, because I have two callbacks this Wednesday! One for a company's whole season and the other for "She Loves Me" in Brooklyn.'ll definitely be an adventure, something I've never experienced before. Wish me luck.
And yes, oh yes, I will be updating my other blog: Stairway to Broadway. Let me get through Wednesday and then you'll absolutely see new updates. Pictures, even!
Next Week: The [for-real] battle royale header between Liz and her mom. Promise.
Monday, October 10, 2011
No Post
No new comic today. My apologies. Life got the better of me.
Wednesday. A new comic will plop Wednesday. I promise.
Monday, October 3, 2011
The Fantastic Friendship that is Candle-Boo and Morning Moo! in "Where Are Boo?"

They're back!
It seems that the moment October rolled into town so did Autumn. I love it. Nothing calms the mind like a cool, crisp wind.
This week's two-word phrase: "No rush." Try it right now, for free!
Next Week: Liz and her mother CLASH in one final, glorious battle! My money's on her mom.
Until Then,
Monday, September 26, 2011
To Be Alone With You
Liz and her Mother,
liz's mom,
Monday, September 19, 2011

I have nothing much to add today, except to say that for starting on this comic later than usual, I'm really glad with how this one turned out. I hope you are, too.
Oh! Also, the fall shows are coming, so I guess I'll have even less of a social life than usual. Excited for The Playboy Club, but only because Laura Benanti is in it. No other reason. None.
One last thing! I was having a bit of struggle with something last week. To everyone who let me call them and babble on to excess: thanks. You were a big help.
Okay, NOW I have nothing much to add today.
See ya next week!
chip hot,
high school,
Liz and her Mother,
Monday, September 12, 2011
No Matter What

Moving back in! Yay...
Yesterday was the tenth anniversary of 9/11, and since the entire internet community has shared their experiences, thoughts, and memories from that tragic day, perhaps I'll do so as well. But not now and not here.
Starting this Wednesday, I'll be starting up my ol' blog about New York again: Stairway to Broadway. From now on, I'll update every Wednesday and Friday, and perhaps even more frequently. But there will be a post every Wednesday and Friday, for sure, whether it's interesting or not. So, to get things rolling, I'll briefly share my experiences of this Sunday, my thoughts on the tenth anniversary, and my memories of where I was ten years ago.
Alright, things are getting somber. Time to draw more silly comics. Gotta get the size of those glasses juuuuuuust right.
Liz and her Mother,
stairway to broadway
Monday, September 5, 2011
Hakuna Matata

Happy Labor Day, everyone! Hope you're enjoying your extra day off. That is, if you have today off. Make that money.
Congratulations to my friend, Liz Hanna, who got married on Saturday. I wish I could've been there, but certain things just aren't in the cards, I guess. Still, I wish her all the happiness and love in the world. Here's to you and your new husband, Liz.
Alright. Now I'm going to finally relax today. Beer + movie = the best day ever. Comment below, follow me on Twitter, "Like" [harbor] on facebook. You know what to do.
Labor Day,
Liz and her Mother,
Monday, August 29, 2011
Something Bad is Happening

So, we survived Hurricane Irene. When it finally made its way up to New York City it degraded to just a tropical storm. All day Saturday, my roommates and I were running around our neighborhood grabbing last minute supplies, plus transitioning my new roommates from their old domicile to here. It was a little worrisome, to say the least, because all week we were cautioned to stay indoors during the weekend. We bought soup, candles, batteries, and all essential supplies for a hurricane. And when push finally came to shove, when the disaster that made the world's largest transit system shut down finally came to our home, it... well, it didn't do much. Sure, there was a lot of wind and rain, and a tree fell down across the street from us, but it didn't actually feel any different from any other rainy day. In all honesty, it felt a little like a blustery day in the bay area. It felt like home.
We prepared, sure. We stayed safe, just like everyone advised us to do. Funny enough, my roommates and I went to the grocery store at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday so as to stock up on food and beer (okay, mainly beer). But, when we got there, there was a line already out the door! It was kind of crazy.
Oddly enough, I'm a little sad that nothing happened. At least to us nothing happened, anyway. It would've been kinda cool if the power went out, at least for just a moment, maybe. Candles burning, storm a-brewing - it would've been fun, if not potentially dangerous. 'Cause I stocked up on candles and soup and whatnot; I can eat the soup, sure, but what am I supposed to do with 15 lilac-scented candles? What am I supposed to do?
Some people are mad that Bloomberg shut down the transit system. A lot of people, including tourists (mostly tourists), aren't entirely happy that Broadway closed its doors this weekend. But those same people would've been mad if Mayor Bloomberg did nothing and the hurricane did ravage our city. They would've complained that he sat on his ass. So, yeah, it may have been extreme measures, but I'm glad the city did something. I'm glad they cared enough about their people to play it safe. Just, sometimes you can't win either way. Sometimes people just like to complain.
Next Week: Liz relaxes, and Jason wears glasses.
Stay safe!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Move On

Who is this mystery girl? Will Jimmy ever see her again? Why does he think "Love Shack" is an effective way to pick up the ladies? All of these questions will be answered. Someday. But not next week. We got other characters to explore and run over.
In other news, I took an improv masterclass yesterday; it focused on scenes of three or more. It. Was. Amazing! I kind of hate my friend who told me to take it (and bought me the ticket; thanks) because now I want to jump back into improv so much! The class was three hours, but it wasn't long enough! I need more. So... look out for that in the near future, I guess.
Next Week: Liz and Jason, or Candle-Boo and Morning Moo. Decisions, decisions.
Breaking Up is Hard to Do,
mystery girl,
Monday, August 15, 2011
Dress to Kill

So... I think I'm perhaps maybe done with this arc. I think I'm gonna do one more next week and then move on to something else. It's time. I know, I know, how are you ever going to live without your weekly dose of a sniveling Jimmy. We'll all just have to manage, I guess.
But, don't worry. Other things are in the works.
I got to see some of my relatives on Sunday. It was so wonderful to meet up with my aunt, uncle, and two cousins and show them around my new neck of the woods that is New York. Family is very important to me, so to be able to spend the day with them was quite a prize, if you will. Today, I certainly hit the jackpot.
(Sometimes, I feel I should write greeting cards instead of comics.)
Next Week: Jimmy moves on. Seriously. Maybe.
Breaking Up is Hard to Do,
Monday, August 8, 2011
Young and Healthy
Monday, August 1, 2011
They Can't Take That Away From Me

I've been listening to a lot of stand up lately. I've always enjoyed this performance medium, but it's also the only one that scares me to death. Probably because you can't escape into a character or another performer; it's just you, alone. And because it scares me to death, I know that I have to do it. So, I've made a mid-new year's resolution that by the end of 2011 I'm going to do at least 5 minutes of stand up somewhere in New York City. Expect jokes about dance, my "success" with women, and my mother. 'Cause those are hilarious and not interconnected in anyway whatsoever.
Next Week: Jimmy turns 26 and enjoys a quarter-life crisis.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Still Hurting

My friend, Cindy, and I are writing a sketch comedy show. While still in the planning stages, it's going to be awesome! Why? Well, I actually have no factual evidence to support my case, but I have a strong gut feeling. I'll keep you posted on my hypothesis.
Next Week: Jimmy tries to put the pieces back together.
bad words,
Breaking Up is Hard to Do,
don lily,
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Road Ends Here

Boom! Comic!
2 things today. First, I just finished the Scott Pilgrim comic book series. I was absolutely blown away! Not just a funny graphic novel with cool action scenes, but a profoundly moving one, too. Fighting, comedy, romance, hipsters: it's everything I've ever wanted in life. I think I'm going to watch the movie and then re-read the books again. And again. Rinse. Repeat.
I love the style of it all, too. If you couldn't already tell from some of the new things I added to this strip, I'm very inspired.
Second, and more importantly, it's my dad's birthday today! He's 61 and super awesome; this is the man who introduced me to sci-fi/fantasy, baseball, and Star Wars, so... blame him. I feel very blessed to have him in my life. He used to be a science teacher (he's retired now), and I can't tell you how many people have told me that one year with my dad has changed their life. Well, I've had about 26 years with him. You do the math.
Thanks, Dad, for being the best father I could possibly ask for. I hope your birthday's wonderful.
Breaking Up is Hard to Do,
scott pilgrim
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tell 'Em the Truth

Wednesday comic! I'm pretty sure I had this conversation with about a dozen people at one time or other.
P.S. This week's title comes from the musical Reefer Madness. Thought it was appropriate.
Monday, July 4, 2011
All American

Happy Independence Day, all. And a special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my cousin, Adam. Yup, born on the Fourth of July; you don't get much cooler than that. Fireworks? On your birthday? Forget about it.
independence day,
will smith
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The Fantastic Friendship that is Candle-Boo and Morning Moo! #3!
Episode 3: What'cha Doin'?

So... [harbor] is back! How ya been? Miss me? ....No? Not even a little? Well, I missed you...
I loved doing Crazy For You last month. It was a lot of work but I met a lot of people and had an absolute blast! But now I'm back in New York City, just got a few jobs, and am ready to go back to the grind of churning out a new [harbor] each week. Expect one next week at its regular day, Monday. Got some things lined up, including the further friendship of Candle-Boo and Morning Moo and the further adventures of Blue Jay, Jimmy's adventuring alter-ego!
Until then...
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Kiss of the Spider Woman
Monday, April 11, 2011

Yay! Now just remember: before Brad Pitt became a big star he dressed up as a chicken and handed out flyers. Most important thing to remember, though: he's Brad Pitt.
I don't actually have this job. I have two awesome day jobs. 1) Super awesome babysitting gig. And 2) Emcee with On Stage America. In fact, this coming weekend I'm going to Ft. Lauderdale, FL to host their regional competition down there. Yeah, life's pretty sweet.
Next Week: Show Business advice from our resident actor, Brigitte!
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Glamorous Life

Acting Joke! Congrats to our friend Brigitte, who really did land an awesome commercial. Here's to a wonderful career.
Seems like all my actor friends are doing amazing things. Be it in grad school, doing a show, or making their own way, everyone I know seems to be on the right track toward success. It's quite inspiring, to say the least.
Next Week: More fun actor-y things with Brigitte! Unless I think of something else!
Friday, April 1, 2011
What Kind of Fool Am I?
Monday, March 28, 2011
No comic today, but there will absolutely, definitely, postively, 100%-ly be a comic on Friday, April 1st. Cross my heart and all that.
Until then, head on over to the facebook fan page to see the winner of our first ever contest!
See ya on the 1st.
Monday, March 21, 2011
My Favorite Year

Happy Birthday [harbor]!!!
I can't believe it's been a year already. If you didn't know, this comic started as a tribute to my friends. I drew comic strips for each one of them as a Christmas present (the actual ones are the Dramatis Personae, of which you can read), and I just... fell in love with this familiar yet completely-different world. So many things have happened in my life - I continued my acting career, my friends got married, I moved to New York! - and through it all [harbor] has been there to "document" it in it's own special way. I don't know if I can remember life without it.
What's amazing is that [harbor] started as a little thing for friends but has grown into something so much more. We have an official site, we have a facebook page, and every day more and more people are reading this small webcomic about a boy and his friends; we even have readers in Europe and New Zealand! (hi!) What's even more astonishing is the responses I've received. People continually tell me how much they love the comics week after week, which makes me want to put out more and better ones each time. You all fuel me. If you're reading this, I thank you.
So, in honor of the one-year anniversary of [harbor], it is my pleasure to announce the opening of the [harbor] store! is the *official* store for [harbor] merchandise. Hats, mugs, and more; right now there's a small selection but it'll certainly grow as time goes by. [harbor]'s very own store: how cool is that!?
Lastly, I wanna hear what you think of [harbor]. What's your favorite comic? Tell me and you could win an item from the new cafe press store with an image of your choosing - title icon, family drawing, or even your favorite comic! All you have to is go to the [harbor] facebook fan page and post on the wall what your favorite comic is (be sure to explain why, too!) by Sunday, March 27th. The next day I'll draw a name randomly from the participants and we'll have ourselves a winner!
And, as always, spread the love and share [harbor] with your friends and family. Not that you have to get [harbor] anything, but it'd be a nice gift nonetheless. ;)
Next Week: We celebrate April Fool's Day. Or do we?
As Frosty would always say,
"Happy Birthday!"
cafe press,
first year,
New York,
thank you
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Look to the Rainbow

This is our 50th comic! Crazy and wonderful all at the same time.
Have a great St. Patrick's Day, but be responsible. This'll be my first St. Pat's in New York, so... I don't make any promises. Do as I say and all that.
Next Week: [harbor] turns 1 year old!
short jokes,
st. patrick's day
Monday, March 7, 2011
I Wish I Could Go Back to College

I'm back! Thanks everyone for all your kind words of support during last week's crazy auditions. Special thanks to Jason Wegener for once again stepping up to the plate with a guest comic. Follow Jason on Twitter @indomitablebug.
Next Week: More auditions (though not as many). More audition log updates (for people who follow my New York blog: Stairway to Broadway). And of course, more [harbor].
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
ANOTHER [guest] comic by Jason Wegener!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Love is Always Lovely in the End
Monday, February 14, 2011
People Will Say We're in Love

Happy Valentine's Day.
Some may see this holiday as a way to 'single' out those who don't have a significant other right now, but I see it as a way to show everyone you care for, in whatever capacity, that you love them. Or at least that's what I tell myself as I'm chugging down Chunky Monkey. It's the little things.
Let me start it off, if I may. I love you for taking time out today, tomorrow, or years from when it first posted and reading it now. It means the world to me. Thank you.
Next Week: More Love. Less animal vomit.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Pass the Football

Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers! Fun Fact: Aaron Rodgers, the Packers' quarterback? He's from Chico. I'm gonna brag like I knew him personally.
You may not have caught the game, but I'm pretty sure you've seen the commercials. My favorite, perhaps for all time, is the Volkswagen commercial with the Darth Vader kid. I want to be him when I grow up! What was your favorite commercial? Leave a comment below.
Next Week: The "Love?" Arc begins.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Don't Be the Bunny
Monday, January 31, 2011

I feel a little like singing.
This comic was inked digitally! Notice a difference? Better? Worse? Leave me a comment below with your thoughts.
In other news, we've moved! No longer will [harbor] have to piggy-back on that site any longer (the hack)! Now, go to for...well, for this exact site right here. For a brief time you can still use as well, but forever more will be the place for [harbor].
And, as always, remember to drop a line at the facebook page or on twitter (use hashtag #harborcomic). Let's make this one big digital family.
Next Week: We delve into slightly familiar territory with Jimmy's new question of the month: What is love?
digital art,
New Year's Resolutions,
Monday, January 24, 2011
My New Philosophy

Harry Potter joke! Topical.
Apparently it's going to be 5 degrees today in New York. 5 DEGREES!? No thank you, weather. No thank you, at all.
I've just discovered yFrog for Twitter, so I've been taking pictures of the snow, New York, and other things that interest me and posting them. Go to @jimmy_robertson to view.
And, as always, go to the facebook fan page for more fun [harbor]-related material.
Next Week: What's Jimmy's resolution?
harry potter,
New Year's Resolutions,
Monday, January 17, 2011
Winning is Just the Beginning

#41! Win!
The Golden Globes were fun, for the little that I saw. Very excited that Chris Colfer won for glee. This certainly has been his season. And Ricky Gervais? Genius.
Have a thought about the Golden Globes? Comment here. "Why, Jimmy?" you may ask. "The Golden Globes have nothing to do with [harbor]." And I reply with: eh, why not?
Don't forget about Kim's Guide to Getting the Ladies, dating advice from the expert. Tweet @jimmy_robertson with the hashtag #KimsGuide, or email with your question.
Next Week: Even more resolutions!
Twitter: @jimmy_robertson
golden globes,
New Year's Resolutions,
Monday, January 10, 2011
A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

#40! Wow. I can't believe we're already here.
After a very long (but wonderful) hiatus, I'm back in New York. It feels good. The park outside my apartment is covered with snow, which was a lovely gift the city gave me.
Coming back to New York means I'm better equipped to update the facebook site with hidden goodies and behind-the-comic sketches. So that's just what I'll do: sometime this week I'll post the hand-written script and the initial sketch so you can contrast/compare with the final product. So keep checking the facebook page for when it'll be up!
I've got a lot of things lined up for [harbor] in the coming months, including the one-year anniversary! Can you believe it's almost been a year since [harbor] began? I certainly cannot.
As always, leave a comment below or shoot me an email with any thoughts and/or concerns.
Next Week: More resolutions!
New Year's Resolutions,
New York,
Monday, January 3, 2011
Everything Old is New Again

Happy New Year.
A fine director and great friend passed away this weekend. Among other things, I most remember LeRoy Rayevich in his role as the kind-hearted Tin-Man in The Wizard of OZ. Everyone involved could certainly see why he was cast; never before has someone so closely resembled the nature of their character. Warm, wise, and always smiling, LeRoy will surely be missed.
The [harbor] family's thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
don lily,
New Year's Resolutions,
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