Had a great time at New York Comic Con this past weekend! I met some great artists and brilliant webcomics. Here are a couple of my favorites...
- JL8:
http://www.jl8comic.tumblr.com - a funny, endearing webcomic about what would
happen if Superman, Batman, and a host of other superheroes from the DC Universe
went to elementary school together.
- hashtag the planet:
http://www.hashtagtheplanet.com - a sweet, single-panel emo
webcomic. At times clever, at times funny, at times heart-breaking, but always smart and
with lots & lots of heart.
Check them out!
The weekend was filled with meeting designers, artists, authors, and creative whirlwinds. I even met the writer and artist of my favorite comic growing up, Young Justice: Peter David and Todd Nauck. I remember that comic as the first I followed from beginning to end. I grew up with those heroes. So, to meet the creative forces behind the comic was a pretty big deal for me. Peter David was a fountain of knowledge & humor, and Todd Nauck was a true gentleman. But, I must say, the best person I met was Todd's wife, Dawn. Bubbly, kind-beyond-all-measure, and with a love for her husband I have not seen since Singin' in the Rain, Dawn was my favorite part of the Con, by far.
Thanks to every person I met, every friend I went with, every panel I attended (including the Firefly 10th anniversary special with Sean Maher, Jewel Staite, and one Nathan Fillion), and every cosplayer I took a photo of for making this one great Con. I'm already counting down the days until next year...