Wednesday, April 25, 2012

One (Singular Sensation)


This week's been up and down. Didn't get the news I wanted, but I got some even better news. So, in the vague department, everything's doing pretty alright.

So, again, [harbor] has moved to Wednesday nights. Keep checking in every Wednesday for more [harbor].


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Real Life


Spring is here in New York. Probably everywhere in the U.S., but still: work with me. Actually, it's been so warm you might even call it early Summer. Might. Again, work with me.

So, if you don't know already, [harbor] has moved to Wednesday nights, just to allow me to try and get them out on a regular basis. Hope this helps your hump day!

What do you think of the new comic? Is this the change [harbor] needs? Does it need any changes at all? Why is Jimmy still listening to Erin? Some things will forever remain a mystery.

Next Week: Jimmy tries another approach.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Parade

Hope you had a wonderful Easter. Or are continuing to enjoy Passover.

I had a good one, myself. While I did miss my family, I spent some time in Central Park and some time in Brooklyn, which aren't terrible places to spend the day.

Next Week (and I do mean next week): Jimmy tries to fix [harbor].
